I draw cartoons focused on my personal life and former career in finance. I’m currently working on a graphic novel called “Hit the Bid” about an auction heist and the hedge fund managers who bet on it. The cartoon strip The PM relays the comical goings on in the life of an over-resourced portfolio manager who is prone to tantrums and lacking in self-awareness. The mini-comic “To Frank” relays the story of my meeting Frank Miller at a dive bar in Hells Kitchen. 
I learned to read by studying a Calvin and Hobbes collection, cementing the word/picture connection. Always “slow to finish but quick to start”, my youthful drawings often pointed toward the start of a grand creative work but rarely reached a conclusion. A summer week at Center for Cartoon Studies (CCS) in 2013 nearly provided the impetus to leave my career in finance but another decade, where I joined by a wonderful wife and dog, would come first. Realizing that financial analysis is really just a hobby, I’ve gotten down to the important work of drawing comics.
Vampire Squid Ink is my fledgling publisher.

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